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Epistemic networks

This is a diferent way at looking at knowledge connections between individulas or groups

The epistemic frame hypothesis is a theory of learning and 'suggests that any community of practice has a culture (Rohde and Shaffer 2004; Shaffer 2004a, in press-a, in press-d) and that culture has a grammar, a structure composed of: Skills: the things that people within the community do Knowledge: the understandings that people in the community share Identity: the way that members of the community see themselves Values: the beliefs that members of the community hold Epistemology: the warrants that justify actions or claims as legitimate within the community'. Taken from Safher et al (2009) MIT at This paper provides a framework for visualising knowledge as networks of concepts within situated actions. This analytical tool provides another option for looking at the foundationalist nature of epistemic or theory parctice gaps

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